Your Birth Team

  • Peaceful Beginnings Midwifery Danyella Johnson, RN

    Danyella Johnson, RN

    I am deeply honored to be a part of your birth team. I pray that we are able to help you bring your baby forth in peace, in love, and in quiet support.

    Salaams to all. My name is Danyella, and I am one of PB’s birth assistants. I have had six - natural deliveries of my own, and I have been a labor and delivery nurse for 10 years. I am honored to be part of your birthing experience, and it is so important to me, for that experience to be one that you will look back on later with awe and self-appreciation.

  • Peaceful Beginnings Midwifery Khyanne McCutchen RN, FNP

    Khyanne McCutchen RN, FNP

    My friends and loved ones call me Khy, nice to meet you. I am a FNP, who has a love for working with women and children. I am a Baltimore native, with 3 beautiful, crazy kids of my own. I look forward to being one of the first people to welcome your baby into this world with their newborn assessments.

  • Peaceful Beginnings Midwifery Fatimah Grinage

    Fatimah Grinage

    A young midwife/DOULA in training our wonderful, comedic midwife apprentice—she’ll have you laughing your baby right on out! She has attended many births and hopes to one day follow in her mother’s footsteps of community midwifery. Fatimah is a Senior in High School, finishing her general studies. She loves to travel, her cat Beautiful, and eating lasagna!